2025 Top Findings
1. Marketing Budgets as percent of revenue are increasing in 2025
2. Faster Growing companies have larger Marketing budgets (Chicken or egg?!)
3. Product-Led Growth Marketing budgets are larger - and more programs heavy
4. Will AI Take from people or tech budgets?
People / Program / Tech allocations
Filter benchmarks by your company profile below
Marketing Budgets
Marketing Budgets as Percent of Revenue are Increasing in ‘25
Percentage of Revenue Allocated to Marketing in 2024 vs 2025
By Total Population
Median marketing budgets up 9%->10% highlights growing confidence or slight increase in the focus on growth
75th percentile up 16% -> 20% highlights confidence and/or the commitment to growth at top quartile companies

Budget Increases Driven by <$20M and $100-$250M Segments

Percentage of Revenue Allocated to Marketing (2024 vs 2025)
By Annual Revenue
As companies scale, their Marketing budget decreases from a median of 14% of revenue (below $5M) in revenue to 4% at median at companies greater than $150M
Ownership of a BDR/SDR organization creates wider variance in budget
Demand Gen and Events Take 50%+ of Marketing Budgets
Marketing Budget (%) Allocated to Programs - Average
By Annual Revenue
Demand Generation is the top budget category
As companies begin to meaningfully scale (> $5M) the percentage of budget increase to the 34% - 38% range
Once companies hit $100M in revenue they begin to decrease the budget allocation to Demand Generation (29% - 30%) and increase budget allocations to events, communications, channel marketing and Marketing Operations
Marketing gets 1/3rd of the Total Sales and Marketing Budget, Less at high ACV
Marketing Budget as % Total Sales and Marketing Budget
By Average Contract Value
As annual contract value increases the percentage of the total Sales and Marketing budget allocated to Marketing decreases
It is interesting to note that in the $10K - $25K ACV segment the % allocation of Marketing is right at median, while companies with ACV in the $25K - $100K range are in the 35% - 37% range at median
Growth Rates
Faster Growing Companies Have Bigger Marketing Allocations
Percentage of Revenue Allocated to Marketing in 2025
By Planned Company Growth Rate
There is a direct correlation between growth rates and marketing budget allocation
The data cannot answer is which is “cause” and which is “effect”
In the 30% and above growth rate segment top quartile allocation is much higher

PLG Budgets
PLG Companies Have Bigger Marketing Allocations
Percentage of Revenue Allocated to Marketing in 2025
By Go-To-Market Motion
Product-Led growth companies are investing a larger percentage of revenue in Marketing than other models (Possibly getting more of the traditional sales allocation)
Both Product-Led and Sales-Led are increasing Marketing budgets in ‘25
Hybrid GTM motion companies are keeping their Marketing budgets level
Founder-Led models are common for >$5M segment.
PLG Companies Allocate More to Programs
Marketing Budget Allocation (Mean)
Product-Led GTM motions spend much more on Programs (52%), a smaller % on people (32%) (Though they may have a higher total budget and thus have a similar size team for the company)
Founder-Led Marketing has a much higher percentage of the Marketing budget allocated to technology - though this is also reflective of Founder-Led Marketing typically being a model used in companies < $1M

Tech Allocations Increasing vs. Historical Norms
-> Will AI Take from People or Programs?

Marketing Budget Allocation: People, Product, Technology (Mean)
By Annual Revenue
As companies scale beyond the first stage of growth, the percent of Marketing budget increases in programs while the investment in people and technology both decrease (as a percentage of revenue).
Recent AI in Marketing research by Jasper AI highlights the following increases in AI spend
23% of companies investing 16% - 20% of budget to AI in '25​. Up from 11% in ‘24
9% of companies investing >20% of Marketing budget on AI. Up from 4% in ‘24
Attribution Models Are Improving as Companies Scale
-> Still surprisingly fractured
Attribution Model
By Company Size
*Category “other” not shown

Inbound Leads Less Correlated to Growth Rate than Expected
Percentage of New Bookings from Inbound Leads (2025)
By 2024 Growth Rate
Not surprising but companies growing faster also have higher percentage of new bookings from inbound leads
Variation is surprising: some of the highest growing companies having lower inbound, possibly a result of small companies with large enterprise deals
Inbound leads - defined as hand-raisers who ask for a meeting with Sales typically close at a higher rate, have shorter sales cycles and higher average ACV
Inbound Leads Highest for Lower Size Deals
-> Deal size most closely correlated
2025 Target New Bookings Generated by Inbound Leads
By Average Contract Value
Similar to when companies scale in size, as ACV increases to >$50K the reliance upon inbound leads also decreases (swipe interactive chart left to view)
Finding ways to maintain or even increase the percentage of new bookings from inbound hand-raisers is a critical variable to decreasing customer acquisition costs and increase revenue growth efficiency
GTM Efficiency Metrics
Customer Acquisition Efficiency Not a Top Three Measurement for Marketing
-> Pipeline, ARR and MQLs Still the Focus
What are the Top 3 Marketing Top Performance Metrics You Measure?
By Total Population
The top three Marketing Metric reported are Pipeline Generated (62%), Opportunities Generated (51%) and New ARR Bookings (36%)
What was surprising is how few Marketing organizations view Marketing efficiency metrics as a top three metric such as Cost per Opportunity (18%), Marketing CAC Ratio (15%) and Pipeline Conversion (16%)
Read about Marketing CAC Ratios
Marketers are Measuring Costs to Pipeline Instead of Revenue
What Marketing Efficiency Metrics Do You Measure?
By Total Population
In an era of “efficient growth” it is surprising to see that only 52% of Marketing teams measure Marketing cost per $ pipeline and 46% as Marketing cost per dollar of new logo ARR
Chief Marketing Officers would benefit greatly by better understanding how a dollar of Marketing investment converts into a dollar of new ARR or dollar of qualified pipeline
CFOs are more likely to approve more Marketing budget when the ROI is measured and predictable
Marketing Investment per $ New ARR decreases as companies scale
Marketing Expenses per ($) of New Logo Revenue/ARR
By Annual Revenue
We had to collapse the number of revenue based segments for this metric to increase statistical significance
Though it is interesting to see that Marketing expenses per dollar of New Logo ARR does decrease as companies scale - it is concerning that only about 10% of research participants were able to provide this performance metric